Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Saturday, March 19, 2011

FBFF- In the Beginning

So far, what have been the 5 hardest blogging lessons you’ve learned during this process and have helped make you a better blogger as a result?


1. Followers aren't the only thing that matters.
When I first started I thought I need tons of followers. You really don't. Sure, you might have 800 followers but how many of those people do you have a "relationship" with. I love to read a lot of blogs but I only comment on the ones I really love, feel like I know the person, or whatnot.

2. Time Management
When I'm crazy busy at work, home or whatever, I find it's hard to come up with new ideas or blog posts. My blog is really special to me. It's my own place to put my thoughts and if it's that important than it deserves a nice chunk of my time!

3. Breaks are necessary
Sometimes I have nothing to say (shocking if you know me, I talk way too much!) but I'd rather take a day off of the blog then write a shoddy post just to write it.

4. Interaction, Interaction
The internet can be a weird place. Sure there are some creeps out there but there are also a ton of awesome people. I feel like I have friends that I've met through blogging. For the most part I have never met any of you (with the exception of Valerie who btw I felt like I knew and was just grabbing coffee with, love that!) yet I feel like I know you and we have a nice little friendship going on :)

5. Blogging is funny
I might be the only one out here that is like this...but only my brother knows my blog site. My family knows I have a blog (and jokingly make fun of me when I'm snapping away with the camera!) I've been blogging since July 2010 yet not one of my friends has been on the site. Weird? Probably. I'm sure I'll tell them eventually but it's nice to have my own little place. I know they're my friends, but I feel like they'll make fun of me! I think I need to get over that...haha

What have been the hardest lessons you've learned as a blogger?


  1. I am the same way (friends knowing my blog) My sisters know about it but for the most part it is my little secret place. I guess just like sisters my blog knows me the best. (all my secrets and dreams) My friends know the dependable level headed me and it might be odd for them to see I have other interest than my family. ha

  2. Aw love this! I've been on the receiving end of a shocking amount of hate mail so that hardest part for me was to take it in stride and not change my posts just because some people didn't respond to it.

  3. P.S. I love your blog even more because you don't have word verification. Those things irritate the mess out of me!

  4. Yeah time management seems to be the hardest thing for me. Never seems to be enough time in the day!

  5. I love this. I am semi new to blogging so I am still trying to figure it all out. I am so excited to meet new people and love finding new blogs!


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