Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter Necessities. Guest Blogging at D, etc

I don't think this post could come at a more perfect time considering millions of people are stuck in the middle of a snow drift!

Head on over to Daniela's blog: D, etc. to read about my ideas for Winter's must haves.

Everyone wants to stay warm, right? But do you want to look like this?

Didn't think so!


  1. That is hilarious!!! But it's exactly the way I look in my wintergear...hahaha!!

  2. Hahah - love that picture! I actually have a similar one of my 1 year old niece. We got her all dressed up to go out in the snow, and she couldn't even walk!! Hahaha.

    Hope you had a lovely holiday!


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