Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Took a bit of time off of the blog because I was feeling incredibly uninspired.

Hoping that changes soon.

In the meantime, here's what's been going on lately.

Oprah finale party with the girls wouldn't be complete without some Sugar Bliss

Nothing like some creepy fog-filled baseball games.

Apples & Laughing Cow snacks. Deelish. Deelish.

Here's to getting back on track and inspired soon!


  1. Bring it on back girl...but I feel your pain. Pass the apples & cheese.


  2. time away is alllways good. always! fun to see what's been going on though :)

  3. I hope you enjoyed the break! Glad you're back though! I know exactly how it is to feel uninspired. ;) Happy birthday to Little Miss P! Looks like she really enjoyed her cake! So cute. Thank you for your comment today! Hope you're doing well.


Love hearing your comments. Don't like reading spam...just thought we should clear that up!