Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chocolate + Apples = Nom, Nom, Nom!

I love chocolate. I enjoy apples. I like to multi-task. Therefore chocolate covered apples make me smile.

What you'll need:
-Chocolate Chips (I love dark chocolate)
-Wax Paper
-Small amount of oil
-Crush pecans, toasted coconut, anything you like.

-Slice your apples. I hope your core isn't crooked :::shudder:::

-Depending on how many apples you're making, put some chocolate chips in a microwavable bowl.
-Microwave in increments of 35 seconds to get the chocolate melting. Stir each time you take it out and when it's start getting gooey, you're good to go.

-Pour a very small amount of oil in the chocolate. Helps it to stick to the fruit and stay nice and purty.
-Dunk your apple in the chocolate. Twirl it around. Cover it completely. Cover a sliver. You choose!

-Roll in pecans or whatever if you'd like.
-Place on wax paper and place in fridge to harden.

-Store them in the fridge.

DEVOUR them and think to yourself, "damn, I am a domestic diva without even trying"


  1. yum. Do u think it's the same with strawberries? Just melt the chocolate, coat and refrigerate?

    thinking of making some just because I'm in a shit mood. Chocolate covered strawberries should help.

  2. that is a recipe i am down with!

  3. Now this is the way to get my daily serving of fruit!

  4. Oh my gosh that looks good. I need to try this STAT!


  5. ohhhh YUM! - i was actually thinking of having some apples and peanut butter last night :o)

    ps - have a GIVE-AWAY going on - Ends Tuesday - LOVE for you to join in!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly Give-Away~

  6. What a perfect combination! I sometimes spread nutella on apples, but this looks WAY more gourmet. I love the idea of dipping it in nuts afterward too. Yum!



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