Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things I've Learned Recently

So do you ever have those A-HA! moments and then realize your A-HA! was a little late? Happens to me all the time and usually involves someone laughing at me.

Here's a list of things I've learned/realized/stumbled upon recently.

1. (the most embarassing) Veal is not baby lamb. Why did I think it was?! My brother asked me if I knew what veal was and I said duh, it's baby lamb baaaaaah. this did not end well for me.

2. Picasa is one of Google's greatest applications.

3. Giada De Laurentiis is married to an Anthropologie designer. No wonder she dresses well.

4. There's a little arrow on your gas tank that tells you which side your fuel tank is on. How come I never realized this before? I just always assumed they were on the driver's side. Sometimes I don't know how I graduated high school...

5. Mixing Red wine with Diet Coke is absolutely delicious. Pinot Noir (which is sooo good alone) + Diet Coke = so tasty!! Realized this when I had a glass of red wine and it tasted odd so I sipped a little bit of my DC to get the taste out of my mouth and it was so good. No wonder the Europeans have been doing this for so long. And it's supposedly better with regular Coke...

6. Bell peppers have the most pesticides on them of any vegetable. Gross. I know it's expensive to eat organically but this just creeps me out that there were over 64 pesticides on one pepper.

7. Eric from True Blood (Alex Skarsgard) has a famous dad, Stellan Skarsgard who is one of those actors you recognize because they're in a lot of movies, but never know their name. Thank you IMDB.com!

8. Gilt has designers make stuff specifically for their sites. This kind of blows because you're not really getting their stuff that's at the boutiques or department stores. I don't know why...but this irritates me. Does RueLaLa do this too? This article spilled the deets: "Of course, Gilt nor the designers want to let the buyers know which items were made exclusive for the site because they are usually lower in quality."

9. Maria Menounos used to be a size 14. Hard to believe...and I've never seen photos of her at this size, so who knows but good for her! She looks ahhmazing.

10. Justin Bieber accounts for 3% of all tweeting on Twitter. WOW.

Now I realize this isn't a groundbreaking list. Some of you are probably laughing at my lack of knowledge haha. So... what have you learned/realized/stumbled upon recently? Do you have a lot of A-HA! moments like myself?!


  1. i like this list :)
    umm, i thought veal was baby lamb too?

    I have never seen this arrow you speak of, but i'm checking as soon as i get in my car tonight!

    I don't think i want to eat peppers anymore ewww

    I'm really surprised that Gilt does that! Where did you read that ariticle?

    I can't beleive she used to be a 14 either, she looks so "naturally" tiny.

    Ok my comment has lasted long enough haha

    <3 gina

  2. I did not know about Giada's husband, Gilt, or Maria Menounos! I recently had a really dumb AHA moment that I'm almost too embarrassed to admit, but here I go anyway. Gabe and I were looking online to find a gift for his mom's bday and we found a sweater that we both liked for her. I was asking him which color he liked best and came to one called cafe au lait. While I've seen this written out a thousand times and I actually order this often at coffee shops, I never knew that this was how it was spelled and I pronounced it "Cafe....a....lot?" HAHA!! Needless to say, he had a good laugh and still makes fun of me for it.

    I got my earrings yesterday and I LOVE them!!! I cannot wait to wear them this weekend. Thank you again so much! :)


  3. #4...really? I never knew that.

    And Gilt? Okay I am now beyond annoyed. So we're just getting some substandard stuff? I can feel irritation rising. No wonder I had to send back two pairs of Matt Bernson shoes. I've been wearing his shoes for years and own a few pairs, but the ones they sent SUCKED.

    and Maria? go Maria!!!

    Very cool post!!


  4. I like this post. I too, like learning new things...and it's a shame about the bell peppers. I really like cooking with them.

    Have a great weekend sweetie!

    Rambles with Reese


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