Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Friday, November 19, 2010



After my first week on the new job I can honestly say I'm tired. I've been enjoying my time off post-bar exam and now I'm heading to work and my days seem to slip away.

I totally understand why everybody's working for the weekend :)

Hope each of you has a fabulous weekend!

Mine will include:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Don't hate.

A goodbye party for my dear friends who are moving to London Town :(



  1. Love those sheets on that bed!! I'm not much of a HP fan, but I hope you enjoy yourself!!
    Oh and thanks for offering to post. I leave on the 20th so anything you can come up with before the second week of Dec will really help me out!

  2. Have a great weekend! I'm going to confess that I haven't seen one single HP - I think I might do a marathon this weekend from #1 so that I can catch the last one in theatres. Somehow I feel left out of a very important part of pop culture history!

    Rest up and relax this weekend. You totally deserve it post bar exam!!


  3. sleep!!! and enjoy HP for me :)


Love hearing your comments. Don't like reading spam...just thought we should clear that up!