Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Everybody Needs a Good Laugh

This said: "Unable to deliver your package because of: WEINER" And let me tell you. There is no Mr./Mrs. Weiner in unit 509. Just sayin....

If you don't get this...please click HERE go to 30seconds

Driving home with Oz and realizing he's licking a latte. It wasn't mine. ahaha

There really are no words. I found this terrifying.

Happy Thursday!!


  1. aahhahah the last guy was on the swan makeover show, huh? Good as new! lol

  2. how are you over it!?!! Aw come on... I hope my post wasn't a downer.. you were talking about your past outfits and this upcoming one just a few posts ago!!
    get excited! I wanna see your costume! :)

  3. glad it wasn't me! I still want to see your Where's Waldo costume!!!

    (you and I say 26 like it's freaking 60. ahahaha I bet we could still dress like skanky college girls and look good doing it!!)

  4. I CRACKED up when I saw that hide you wife!! Ahahahaha!! That was the funniest thing and then to see that dog? hilarious!


  5. OMG I have been reveling in Antoine Dodson nonstop lately

  6. oh my word hilarious!!!! I just found your blog and love it! You have a new follower



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