Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Friday, October 15, 2010

Breakfast for Dinner

When I was little my Grandma lived with us for about 2 years. She cooked most of our dinners and on special nights she'd say, it's breakfast time!! And we knew we were in for a treat.

Last night I decided it was time for a treat and breakfast was on the menu. We decided on the PERFECT french toast. I didn't name it, Food Network did. But I will agree with them. It was perfect. You can find the recipe HERE.

So I bought some Texas Toast bread (the bakery lady wasn't there to cut fresh bread...umm weird) got some eggs, milk, spices, and butter and made my perfect french toast.

It was easy...you NEED to try it.

Just dunk your bread.

Cook it in the skillet on each side for about 2-3 minutes and then here's what I've never done...put it in the oven at 350 for 8-10 minutes. It cooks it through and makes it puffy. Sorry I didn't get a final product picture...we grabbed them and ate them immediately!

It is perfection. Then before you clean the skillet, add 4 tablespoons of butter, melt it, and then drizzle it on top of the finished french toast. I didn't even need syrup on mine!

Who doesn't like to change it up and have breakfast for dinner?? We paired ours with some turkey bacon, corned beef hash (a guilty pleasure, I know a lot of people think it's gross...) and some Trop50 orange juice. Which I gotta give props...half the sugar/calories and just as tasty!

Busy weekend here in Chicago. Girls book club. Best friend's birthday. Cousin's baby shower. Busy, busy, busy!! But in a good way considering I'm looking forward to each event!

Happy Friday!! Have a relaxing, fun, productive, lazy, whatever-kind-of weekend you want!


  1. yum. I love breakfast for dinner. Sometimes if I'm really beat I'll eat a bowl of cereal. lol D,etc

    have a great weekend!

  2. Yeah, why not breakfast for dinner? I love french toast!

  3. Breakfast for dinner is just FUN! Sometimes I do this with the kids when Tim travels! Have a great weekend, Sweetie! xo

  4. My kids love breakfast for dinner. So do i cuz it is sooo easy to make.

  5. ohhh, that's one of my faves1

  6. Have a great weekend! I think I'm going to eat this french toast for dinner tonight!!


  7. I am a big fan of french toasts too..Love you blog:)
    Have a great Monday morning

  8. you are in a book club!! i wish i could join :)

    i <3 breakfast for dinner, Rob and i often make choc chip pancakes late at nite.

    when i was a kid, "make your own dinner night" was my fave!


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