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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Orzo Salads

Once the weather warms up I find myself instantly drawn to all things salads. Salad greens, fruit salads, pasta salads. You name it, I'm on it.

I'm a big fan of making a larger batch of a salad and munching on it all week. This week was no exception.

Orzo is a great foundation for any salad. My favorites include:

tomatoes, cucumbers, onions & feta.

tomatoes, green peppers and olives.

Or tomatoes, goat cheese and onions.

See? The possibilities are endless!

This time around I threw in cucumbers, green onions, salt, pepper, and mixed it up with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and juice from 1/2 a lemon.

1/2 of a box of Orzo was enough for 4 sides and definitely 2-3 lunches. It's a pasta that really goes the distance!

1 comment:

  1. I did salt, pepper, olive oil, brocc, and tomatoes a few days ago... lunch for 2 days ;)


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