Fabulous header picture from i.Anton

Friday, April 1, 2011

FBFF- Rules of Engagement

1. Guest posts are a good way to gain new exposure. What do you think
is the appropriate way to go about securing a guest spot?

I don't know if there's an appropriate way? When I did it before I just asked my readers if they were interested. Is there a more PC way?!

2. Leaving comments is essential to growing your blog. But how can you
leave a comment without coming across as ‘Follow Me. Follow Me!’?

I loathe those types of comments. I don't think I've ever written anything like that but I know I've said something to the effect of, I just did a post just like that. Or I did a post about X and then if they want to link back, there you go.

3. We’ve all gotten a mass email at one time or another asking for
blog exposure, a link exchange, etc… But the mass emails don’t work.
How do you make your email stand out from the crowd?

I've never sent out a mass email before but I guess you'd want to appeal to the crowd you're sending it to--make sure everyone on the list would WANT do participate in what you're asking.

4. In interacting with other bloggers where do you draw the line
between seeking support and begging for exposure?

I think anytime you're desperately seeking exposure you're in the blogging game for all the wrong reasons.

5. What’s one rule of engagement error you made and how have you
remedied that?

Hmm I'm not sure! I'm sure I've done something to offend someone...Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with all your answers. I think we should all read the blogs we like and are interested in. I loathe the "follow me" comments as well. I hope you're feeling better, Erin! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!


Love hearing your comments. Don't like reading spam...just thought we should clear that up!